ALIP Examens

You need to certify your level in French to pursue studies, emigrate to Canada or Quebec or apply for French nationality?

You want to make an application for French nationality or Carte de Résident –  Titre de séjour 10 years?


You want to study or work in France and you need to certify your level?

–> TEF for studies or TCF Tout Public

 Want to emigrate to Canada and need to complete your immigration file?

–> TEF Canada       

You want to emigrate to Quebec and must complete your immigration file?

–> TEFAQ             






Available on each exam page




At a distance
  • I choose my exam and my date, I pay on line here
On the spot 
  • I complete the form and make my payment by cash or check at ALIP 25-27 rue Ginoux 75015 Paris Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5.30 pm – +

Be ready to succeed!

Our exam preparation course will allow you, in 2 or 4 weeks, to feel confident about taking these exams.

More information about this course here.

Register for our TCF / TEF preparation course



TEF & TCF measures your level of French language skills, from an elementary mastery to a complete mastery. The results are valid for two years.
No prior diploma is required. The candidate must be over 16 years of age.


Tips for taking the exams


  • Remember to download your TCF Candidate Handbook – Manuel du candidat  or TEF Candidate Handbook – Manuel du Candidat –  before the examination (the link is on your invitation). You will find useful information about your tests and your preparation.
  • Please arrive at ALIP at least 30 minutes before your exam.
  • Remember to bring valid identification card, otherwise you will be denied access to the examination room. You will also need a passport photo and a black pen.
  • Remember to indicate any health or other problems before the day of the examination, so that it takes place in the best conditions.
  • Mobile phones are strictly forbidden in the examination rooms. Dictionaries are also prohibited.
  • Pay close attention to the instructions of the supervisors and boards of examiners.


Tips for preparing for exams


A good preparation is essential to give you all the chances to obtain the expected results. You must be familiar with the types of tests to avoid any stress and loss of time on the day of the exam.


Discover our TCF / TEF training

Every Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 pm, join our Preparation Course for Exam.


ALIP recommends you also various options, valid whatever the type of TEF exam you pass:


  • The trainings tutoriels from CCIP – Le Français des Affaires 
  • Application français 3.0 from  CCIP – Le Français des Affaires 
  • Following books :
    • TEF Hachette FLE
    • TEF 250 activités CLE International
  • For TCF exams, please check the list here 


TEFAQ Oral only: 125 €

TEFAQ Ecrit only: 110 €

TEFAQ Complete : 225 €

TEF / TCF Etudes ou Travail : 90 / 225 €

TEF Canada : 225 €

TEF / TCF Naturalisation : 150 €

TEF / TCF Résident : 150 €

Exams calendar

Consult the calendar of each exam page


On line by credit card : Boutique

At ALIP (25-27 rue Ginoux 75015 Paris) by cheque or cash, while registering.