Your school Label Qualité FLE Qualiopi

ALIP obtains the maximum score of the Label Qualité FLE


ALIP Labels Qualité FLE et Qualiopi 2023


It is with great pride that we announce the renewal of the FLE and Qualiopi Quality Labels. Following the Quality audit conducted on December 7, 8 and 9, 2022 by France Education International, ALIP has obtained the maximum score of 3 stars in the 5 audited areas: Management, Hosting facilities, Premises, Training, Teachers.

The French as a foreign language quality certification was set up by decree in 2007 to identify, recognise, and promote centres of French as a foreign language of which the language offer and the services present guarantees of quality.
It is a matter of setting up a quality-assurance process to give the public confidence, and to help diplomatic posts and the French network of institutes to prescribe a reliable offer of French language courses.
courses based.

For all the partners and students who place their trust in us, it is the assurance of all the efforts we make to carry out our teaching and reception missions.

The Qualiopi accreditation, also renewed this year, guarantees to companies and employees the conformity of the implementation of professional language training and the seriousness of the management of the programs that are entrusted to us.

Welcome to France, welcome to ALIP !

send a message ALIP


French song

What if we sang in French?

Panorama of the current French-speaking singers.


This winter, for Christmas, ALIP shared with you a panorama of the current French-speaking singers. We compile them all here for you!

chanson francophone Adèle  chanson francophone Orelsan

chanson francophone Aya Nakamura  chanson francophone Sandra Nkaké

chanson francophone Clara Luciani  chanson francophone Grand Corps Malade

chanson francophone Jeanne Added  chanson francophone Dominique A

chanson francophone Pomme  chanson francophone Gael Faye

chanson francophone Julien Doré  chanson francophone Feu Chatterton

chanson francophone La Femme  chanson francophone Suzane

chanson francophone Arthur H  chanson francophone Vanessa Paradis

chanson francophone Philippe Katerine  chanson francophone Camelia Jordana

chanson francophone Ade  chanson francophone Hoshi

chanson francophone M  chanson francophone Biolay

chanson francophone Juliette Armanet  chanson francophone Stromae

French songs in French lessons are an extraordinary way to improve your level: oral comprehension, phonetics and pronunciation, accents, texts, humor, current events, music and videos… Take advantage of this inexhaustible resource and … dance now!

♥ Also, don’t hesitate to learn more about each artist and go hear and see them live! You won’t regret it.

We are waiting for you in French class at ALIP to make you discover all these artists and many others!

French and Culture course in Paris

I learn French in 1 month in Paris

Learn French in Paris

Do you dream of discovering the richness of life in France and the little Parisian habits?


ALIP offers you the opportunity to join a small group of international students supervised by dynamic and open-minded instructors.

Our French and Culture program is:

  • a small group of students in a modern and accessible school
  • a school located in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, a very convenient starting point for new Parisian horizons
  • 16 hours of French classes per week, over 4 days. One day free for you!
  • classes oriented to your needs, time to talk about yourself, to exchange with people from all over the world, expression activities to unlock your French and give you confidence!
  • an exclusive e-learning option to deepen your learning at your own pace.
  • cultural outings and various visits in Paris.

Some themes:

Customs / Manners
Cooking / Gastronomy
Clichés / Stereotypes
Moods / Moods / Feelings
History of France
Professional experience / Trades
Friendship / Family / Love
Psychology / Personality
Business / Products

Next dates:

  • April 3 to 28
  • June 5 to 30
  • July 3 to 28



Summer French Course 23

French summer school in Paris

Prepare your summer vacation!

Take advantage of a stay in Paris to improve your French and meet international students. A unique and intensive program, combining culture and French language, accessible to all levels.

Our summer program immerses you in Parisian life. A unique offer in Paris to live an intense experience:

  • 26 hours of classes between Culture Day and dynamic lessons in class.
  • Human-sized groups, for all levels of French.
  • 4 weeks of classes in July, one week break and 4 weeks in August.
  • Various thematic workshops: culture, phonetics, song, theater, communication…
  • Coffee Break conversation classes
  • Lots of visits and cultural discoveries off the beaten track.

This year, we will meet from July 3rd to September 1st.

Take a look at the memories of the Summer 2022 session here

Contact us for more information


English courses for High Education

English courses

Anglophone studies project in France ?

French higher education offers you many opportunities to develop your skills internationally. Add your English language skills to your resume to boost your project.
ALIP is a historical partner of many renowned higher education institutions, especially in business, fashion, international trade, marketing and communication, gastronomy etc…
All of our partner schools offer Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programs in English. You will benefit from high quality teaching, regular internships, international meetings and low tuition fees. France is renowned for the quality of its higher education and its ability to welcome international students. The programs combine practical and theoretical knowledge to prepare you for the world of work.
For nearly 20 years, ALIP has been training future students like you. Our partners trust us to offer you the best possible preparation.
Take advantage of an intensive 3, 6 or 9 month course to prepare yourself for successful study in English in France!
Our Preparation Course for High Studies includes 20 hours of classes per week:
General English classes to understand and speak the language of everyday life
Academic English classes to discover and improve your written and oral expression techniques, note-taking, synthesis, reading, formal presentation…
Various thematic workshops: phonetics to develop your pronunciation, marketing, communication or culture to give you the keys to understanding the world, news, etc.
Project modules to discover teamwork and get in touch with the world around you.

ALIP is also:
qualified teachers, a school with the Label Qualité FLE and premises just a stone’s throw from the Eiffel Tower!

We look forward to welcoming you for one of our 3 annual sessions:
– from February to May
– in July + August
– from October to January

Contact us


International Tourism France

France in the top 3 international destinations!

france tourism

The Traveller Review Awards of have just placed France among the 3 most welcoming destinations in the world!

The cities of France seduce by “their charm, their unique sites and their hospitality”. And their language courses! 😉
In France, 3 regions are particularly chosen by international tourists: Alsace, Hauts-de-France and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.
Quality accommodations have developed, especially individual accommodations, such as host families or apartments.

The efforts made in France to promote more “sustainable” tourism should also be highlighted.

Full article here

So, what are you waiting for to come and see us? Our French language school and our host families will confirm this warm welcome.




Easter in Paris

Enjoy a French course in Paris

From April 3 to 28, Spring is coming to ALIP!


Learn french at ALIP

In a friendly setting and just a stone’s throw from the Eiffel Tower, join our French & Culture course.

4 weeks of joy and good humor: French classes, cultural discoveries, discussions and international exchanges, personal development…
The ALIP school is a human-sized center, located in modern, accessible and comfortable premises. Our team is at your disposal throughout your stay to allow you to enjoy Parisian life!
Your classes take place from Tuesday to Friday from 9:30am to 1:30pm. You can therefore take advantage of your half days for your personal activities.

ALIP is located in the heart of the 15th arrondissement, the starting point of many cultural visits, very accessible by public transport. The district is also a gold mine of small stores, welcoming terraces, department stores

And the must: every morning, when you arrive at ALIP, the Eiffel Tower greets you at the end of the street!

ALIP Tour Eiffel

“Spring is the time for plans and projects.” Leon Tolstoï

  • From April 3 to 28
  • 16h/w from Tuesday to Friday 9.30am to 1.30pm
  • 780€ (payable online, on site or via the CPF)


French & culture courses in Paris


RV at ALIP from January 31 to February 24, 2023
All levels – Courses from Tuesday to Friday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm – 16 hours of classes per week (20 hours with e-learning option). Starting at 780€.

Our French & Culture course allows you to quickly enrich your French language skills and meet international students.

In 4 weeks, you will discover or perfect your French language in everyday situations. It is an opportunity to talk about yourself, your personal and/or professional environment, your projects and your dreams.

You will also study practical culture, that which is useful for living in Paris on a daily basis. Whether you are just passing through Paris or staying for a longer professional or personal stay, you will have all the keys to adapt to life in Paris. Our friendly team and a human-sized group encourage mutual aid, exchanges and the many little attentions you need.

Our teachers will also help you to find your way around the cultural news of life in France: the great debates, the themes of the moment, the great places to visit, the more secret places etc…

An experienced team welcomes you in a friendly learning atmosphere. You will learn French thanks to a dynamic and modern method based on the French culture.

ALIP Learn French in Paris

Enjoy an original, diversified, efficient and friendly language stay!


Full 2023 calendar here


English for Higher Education Courses

Did you know that?

ALIP, a school with the Label Qualité FLE and Qualiopi, offers its unique programs to prepare students for higher education in English!

se former en anglais ALIP

Are you going to study in a university or a Grande Ecole in France in an English course? This English for Higher Education course is for you.

Our team of teachers will prepare you to succeed in your integration thanks to :

  • English classes in small groups
  • general language classes to improve your level of communication in everyday life
  • in-depth grammar and vocabulary activities
  • special academic skills courses: taking notes, following a lecture, doing research, working on your formal writing, making successful written and oral presentations, summarizing and synthesizing texts, arguing and debating, making relevant presentations…
  • professional English skills development courses based on your field of study
  • various thematic workshops: culture, literature, communication etc…

And with all the other French and English students, you will participate in the many challenges and cultural outings that make the heart of the ALIP school beat faster. Enjoy an efficient stay, a friendly atmosphere and the Parisian life just a step away from the Eiffel Tower.

Our English for Higher Education course lasts 3 months, you can take one, two or three sessions per year depending on your goals.

Next session: February 27 – June 2, 2023.

Have a question? Contact us: / (33)

French courses in Paris at Christmas


The magic of Christmas is coming to Paris! Take advantage of our French and Culture course from November 21 to December 16!

Our French courses allow you to quickly improve your French language skills. In 4 weeks, you will discover or perfect your language in everyday situations and study the practical culture, useful for living in Paris on a daily basis.

An experienced team welcomes you in a friendly learning atmosphere. You will learn French thanks to a dynamic and modern teaching method focused on the French culture.

Enjoy an original, diversified, efficient and friendly language stay!


I wish to improve my level of French quickly and visit Paris and I register




Queen Elizabeth II and the past tense in French

Yesterday and today … Courrier International invites us to an exciting time travel to remember Queen Elizabeth II. An opportunity to revise the use of past tenses in French.

Queen Eisabeth


Instructions: Read the text and the verbs in bold, then find our grammar sheet at the end of the article. It’s a gift, don’t forget to download it.

« Le monde au début du règne d’Élisabeth II : Staline, Edgar Faure et “Chantons sous la pluie”.

La reine Élisabeth II est morte le 8 septembre 2022. Soixante-dix ans plus tôt, en février 1952, c’est un autre monde qui a assisté (assister à ) – en noir et blanc – à son accession au trône britannique.

Le journaliste britannique Peter Oborne plonge soixante-dix ans en arrière en ouverture de son article consacré au décès de la monarque britannique publié par Middle East Eye. “Quand Élisabeth II est devenue (devenir) reine à l’âge de 25 ans le 6 février 1952, Winston Churchill était (être) Premier ministre, Staline était (être) à la tête de la Russie et Farouk était (être) roi d’Égypte. Au Royaume-Uni, il n’y avait (avoir) pas d’autoroutes et pas d’Internet, et la radio était (être) plus répandue que la télévision.”

“En 1952, la population mondiale était (être) d’environ 2,6 milliards de personnes”, contre près de 8 milliards en 2022, se souvient aussi Business Insider. Aux États-Unis, “Harry Truman était (être) président, un café coûtait (coûter) environ 30 cents, et l’espérance de vie moyenne était (être) de 71 ans pour les femmes et de 65 ans pour les hommes”, contre 82 et 78 ans aujourd’hui. En 1952, “la poliomyélite faisait (faire) des ravages aux États-Unis, avec 58 000 nouveaux cas”, et les pilules contraceptives n’étaient (être) pas autorisées, rappelle le site américain.

En France, en février 1952, l’éphémère premier gouvernement d’Edgar Faure est au pouvoir, sous la présidence de Vincent Auriol.

Dans un article paru en 2012 pour le jubilé de diamant d’Élisabeth II (soixante années de règne), c’est un voyage dans la capitale britannique telle qu’elle était (être) en 1952 que proposait CNN.

“Si vous souhaitez téléphoner, il vous faudra trouver une cabine téléphonique rouge, à condition d’être prêt à affronter les nombreux épisodes de smog qui affectent Londres à l’époque, décrit le média américain. […] En décembre 1952, 4 000 personnes sont mortes étouffées par la pollution urbaine de la capitale, et des milliers d’autres sont tombés malades.”

Sept ans seulement après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, “le rationnement de certains produits alimentaires était (être) encore en vigueur en 1952 : celui du thé a pris fin (prendre fin) en octobre et celui des bonbons et du sucre seulement en 1953, retrace aussi CNN. […] Les plus gros postes de dépense des ménages après le loyer étaient (être) les cigarettes : 6 % du budget des familles partait (partir) en volutes de fumée.”

Le “blockbuster” dans les cinémas britanniques en 1952 ? Chantons sous la pluie, avec Gene Kelly. En France, la même année, c’est Fernandel dans Le Petit Monde de don Camillo qui tient le haut de l’affiche.

“Qu’est-ce qui n’a pas changé (changer) à Londres depuis 1952 ? interroge le média américain. Les Britanniques sont toujours fous de football et de cricket, et ils vont toujours au pub. Les grands monuments de Londres comme la cathédrale Saint-Paul, la Tour de Londres et le Parlement sont encore debout. Les bus rouges à impériale et les taxis noirs sillonnent les rues, et la météo est toujours la même.”

Le monde au début du règne d’Élisabeth II : Staline, Edgar Faure et “Chantons sous la pluie” (


GIFT: Download now our Grammar sheet here and practice!

Find all ALIP’s French courses here.



French courses 2022-2023

ALIP in Paris offers a year-round French course program for all your goals:

  • Preparing for graduate school – you will soon be entering a Grande Ecole or University in France, learn at ALIP everything you need: how to study in France, how to take notes, how to communicate with professors, administration and other students, how to understand a lecture and do research, how to make a summary or a revision sheet, how to work in a team. You will also work on academic assignments: oral presentation, defense, debate, written presentation, argument. Techniques and methods, intercultural comparison, practical advice, systematic exercises and role-playing.
  • Discover French and French culture – you want to discover Paris and its culture for a month, live the Parisian way of life!
  • Learn French intensively – you have time, you want to immerse yourself in Paris and meet other students who love the French language.


All our programs for the 2022-2023 school year


More information ? Contact us

Download the registration form

ALIP Register

A trip in Paris with ALIP – Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum


The name alone makes us dream. And there are many of us who dream and visit it every year.

It must be said that there is a lot to see: more than 500,000 works of art are kept there, which is incredible for a Parisian museum.

And among these treasures, there are many masterpieces from around the world. It is a journey through the world and also through the key periods of the history of humanity.

We tell you a short history of this monument of the Parisian artistic life.

« In the Middle Ages, King Philippe Auguste, of the Capetian family, built a fortress near the Seine that would become a royal secondary residence a few centuries later, under King Charles V.
François Ier, in the 18th century, settled there permanently, with his 16 children!

The building will undergo many changes over time but Louis XIV will finally abandon it in favor of the Palace of Versailles. But the museum project was born with him.
It was at the time of the French Revolution that the first royal collections were exhibited.

The Louvre was almost destroyed by fire during the events of the Commune. But the museum was saved from the flames and continued to evolve.

In 1988, the architect Ming Pei built his glass pyramids there. In 2012, Islamic art made its debut in the museum. Today, two “Louvres” are born: in Lens in France and in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.»


♥ What will we see at the Louvre? ♥

Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa (1503), Veronese’s The Wedding at Cana (1562-1563), Géricault’s The Raft of the Medusa (1818-1819), Ingres’ The Great Odalisque (1814)… And let’s not forget Khorsabad’s Winged Bulls (circa 710 BC), the famous Scroll of the Sea (circa 1880 AD), and the C.), the famous Crouching Scribe (circa 2620-2500 BC), the Venus of Milo (circa 150-130 BC), the Victory of Samothrace (circa 200-185 BC)
The Venus of Milo (c. 150-130 BC), the Victory of Samothrace (c. 200-185 BC) and many others.

Have a nice trip in art and culture!

Join ALIP for a cultural french course

Access Louvre

SIA 2022 – Paris International Agricultural Show

The show is back!

Rendez-vous: February 26 › March 6, 2022
Paris Expo – Porte de Versailles
9am to 7pm – Every day

salon agriculture

See the show your way! Animals, products, farmers, news about agriculture …

Products from regions across france and its overseas territories and from the rest of the world / Livestock production and its sectors / Agricultural services and professions / Crop and plant sectors, gardening and vegetable gardens


Time to learn some French vocabulary :

Une vache : a cow

une chèvre : a goat

un cheval : a horse

un chat : a cat

un chien : a dog

la ferme : farm

la pêche : fishing

le pain : bread

l’environnement : the environment

les forêts : forests

les fruits et les légumes : fruits and vegetables

les fruits de mer : seafood

les abeilles et le miel : bees and honey

les alcools : alcohols

les marques : brands

les poules : chickens

l’huile : oil

les canards : ducks


And more to learn in our French courses at ALIP!


Learn French in Paris – Long stay

Your plan is to learn French intensively? Choose our 3 – 6 – 9 months French course.


Learn French in Paris


Our program allows you to take French courses for 12, 24 or 36 weeks (with a few weeks break, guaranteed rest 😉 ) and to evolve among our different levels!

In the program of your 20 hours of weekly classes:

General French class: improve your level of everyday French, discuss with international students in human-sized groups supervised by expert and dynamic teachers

Conversation class: develop your oral communication skills on various topics in small groups

Project class: have fun designing projects from A to Z, which will allow you to communicate with French speakers from all over the world and develop your team spirit.

Thematic workshops: 6 hours per week of cultural, linguistic or specific courses: gastronomy, grammar through games, theater, business French, phonetics or culture among others.

– Access to our exclusive e-learning platform to extend your learning at your own pace on your phone, computer or tablet

Outings and extracurricular activities will also punctuate your stay!


3 sessions per year are available, you can start with the one that suits you best and stay for one, two or three consecutive sessions:

– October to January (the perfect opportunity to spend Christmas in Paris 😉 )

– From February to May (Spring in Paris, the good life!)

– From June to August (a French Summer!)


ALIP Register

Good to know: you can pay your registration fee in several installments.

French course

Learn French in Paris

Discover the interview of Caroline, our French teacher and coach


“Hello Caroline, what French course did you teach at ALIP?

  • Hello, I just left an amazing little group of international students that I followed from November 22 to December 17, 2022. The next group will run from January 17 to February 11, 2022.

Who were your students?

  • Ilaria and Davide from Italy, Sueli from Brazil, Rumeysa from Turkey, Jessy from Indonesia and Anna from Romania. They were all beginners in French, except Sueli who had some good basics in French.

How did you work with this group?

  • In fact, I adapted to their levels in French and I progressed according to what was happening in the class, the motivations and the needs of each student.

We have seen all the tenses and French grammar up to A2 level. We worked on French vocabulary allowing us to present ourselves (our qualities, our flaws, our passions), to speak about our close relations, our origins, our life and our work, but also about our hobbies. We were also able to talk about projects and work on the resume. Ilaria and Davide were looking for a job. We helped them (in French).

We also saw the history of Paris, of the districts, and of French language…

There was a very warm atmosphere in our French classes. Everyone had something to talk about, to say about life, love, work… One was hesitating in her love choices, the other was looking for her professional future. Any subject helped us progress in oral and written French throughout the different French lessons.

What is the ALIP touch that you brought to this French course?

  • Ah, we were close to celebrating Christmas, so we each had a secret friend to treat and on the last day we had a buffet and gave each other gifts (we had to guess who the secret friend was and what the gift contained… in French!).

We also went on cultural trips in Paris and had lunch together at a restaurant.

The other specificity that I develop at ALIP is that I am a certified coach in personal and intercultural development. In times of covid, it is important to know how to welcome the person in his or her entirety with a lot of kindness and generosity.”


Thanks Caroline!

French & Fashion

You study or will study Fashion in France or in French? 2 gifts in this article!!

Nice challenge, bravo!

Here is your first present :

Second gift:

To help you, today we have selected some useful videos to improve your French in this field.

And to continue your learning, join one of our French courses.

Learning French with ALIP in 2022 is …

ALIP Learn French in Paris

Learning a language is living it.


Taking a French course in Paris means immersing yourself in a dynamic and multicultural city. But you still have to choose your language school carefully.

At ALIP, our heart has been beating for international students for a very long time. And above all, we are convinced that a friendly and dynamic atmosphere is necessary to develop the desire to learn.

ALIP‘s French courses include a wide variety of modules, where you will meet many different and warm personalities. Our teachers are coaches, companions, professional experts… But all of them have at heart to maintain a family and friendly atmosphere for all.

Among our activities, in addition to the various modules, you will join our project course: in small teams, you will create together a prototype of an object, a festival project, an exhibition, a reportage… Each project invites you to meet Parisians, French speakers, foreigners, professionals or students and thus improve your French.

Our intercultural challenges offer you the opportunity to develop your team spirit while having fun. A challenge is launched to all the classes and may the best one win (shhh, it’s a secret, but in reality, everyone wins something at the end…): short film festival, pastry contest, French word challenge…

Finally, during your stay at ALIP, you will celebrate because that’s how we progress: educational activities, fun visits, and especially parties! At ALIP, we celebrate everything! The whole world is a party, we celebrate all the important traditions of our students’ countries and we also share our own customs.

So, at ALIP you are sure to learn a modern, lively and dynamic language.

We are waiting for you!

French and Culture course in Paris

Our next 4-week French course will take place from January 17 to February 11, 2022.

Come and enjoy Paris in winter!

– 12 hours of French classes every morning
– cultural and educational outings in Paris
– cultural discovery workshops

Enjoy a friendly international atmosphere in a dynamic and safe neighborhood, just steps away from the Eiffel Tower.

–> Register now here


CHRISTMAS PROMOTION : with our partner Qualité Groupement FLE, we offer you an exceptional 5% discount with the code NOEL GPFLE noted on your registration form!
