Note taking for University


In your graduate studies in France, there are many new skills to learn. ALIP School, a specialist in university education preparation, shares with you some elements to help you.

Today, we’re looking at note taking.
For your studies in graduate school or university, you need to know how to take notes. Teachers no longer give you their lectures but often give long speeches. You need to be able to take down the essentials of the lecture yourself so that you can work on them at home. It is sometimes difficult to listen and write at the same time. But you will see, to memorize a lesson, if you have written it yourself it will always be easier 😉

Here are some tips for getting started with note-taking skills. For more guidance and practice in other skills, join our graduate school preparation course.


ALIP Notes taking


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French & Culture 4-weeks course



Looking for a short but intensive language stay in Paris this winter? Whatever your level of French, our French and Culture 4-weeks course is for you.

Our assets :

  • 16 hours of French classes and cultural activities for all in the heart of Paris. Gain confidence in your French communication skills, meet Parisians, take on challenges, exchange with international students... Themes are numerous and adapted to your level: leisure, art of living and customs, French history, humor, cooking and gastronomy, arts…
  • A dynamic team in a central and human-sized school, certified Label Qualité FLE. A stone’s throw from the Eiffel Tower, in a safe and friendly neighborhood, our teachers will make you feel at home in our school.
  • If you are an employee of a French company, take advantage of your Personal Training Account – CPF and get it for free!

Contact us for more information.

We look forward to welcoming you.

noel alip Upcoming Winter 2021 dates :

November 22 to December 17, 2021. Ideal if you want to spend Christmas in Paris.

From January 3 to 28, 2022


ALIP Register

Looking for a longer and more intensive French course? Choose our 3-6 or 9-month French course.



ALIP Qualiopi & Label FLE


ALIP Label fle Qualiopi


The Alliance Linguistique et Interculturelle de Paris has just received the renewal of its Label Qualité FLE and Qualiopi center for its professional trainings. This double label has been delivered by France Education international, authorized to deliver Qualiopi on behalf of France Compétences.

“This certification should provide a better guarantee and greater readability of the training offer to companies and users.”

Obtaining this double label attests to the quality of our training implementation process and our approach to skills development.

For the companies and employees who trust us, it is the guarantee of a clear offer of quality training.

Our professional language training for employees and companies

Our French language courses

Our English language training courses

In accordance with the Qualiopi and Label FLE standards, the audits focused on the procedures for welcoming our learners, the management of our center and staff, and the educational and administrative resources allocated to our training courses.

In the very complex context of our activity linked to the health crisis, this double label pushes us to pursue all our efforts with pride and joy. We are thrilled to welcome all our future trainees, international students, employees, language lovers, certification candidates…

More about Qualiopi

Contact us for more information


Preparation for higher education in France


A good linguistic, academic and cultural preparation is necessary to succeed in your higher education studies in France.

Specialized in the preparation of higher studies for more than 15 years, this is what ALIP offers you.

ALIP, a Label Qualité FLE center is a linguistic partner of prestigious institutions. Its programs are designed to meet the expectations of your schools and universities.
Our Preparation for Higher Education program lasts from 3 to 9 or 12 months. A session lasts 3 months and includes 200 hours of intensive training. You can decide to take one, two or three consecutive sessions, depending on your level and your objectives.

Do not hesitate to contact us for personalized advice. We will be happy to study your study project.


In addition to the general French or English courses and the cultural and professional workshops, here is an overview of your Preparation for Higher Studies program:

ALIP preparation for high school

Next course : Feb 28, 2022

Course schedule :
October to January
February to May 
June to August

All sessions are independent. You can start with the one that suits you best and register for one, two or three sessions. 


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French courses in Paris


This summer, learn French!

The borders are open again, so are our classes. We are looking forward to sharing all these great moments with you and helping you discover Paris!

Opt for our French and culture classes 16h or 20h per week. 3 dates in the summer :

  • July 5 to 30
  • from August 2nd to 27th
  • from September 6th to October 1st

Price : 780 € for the 16h course – 920 € for the 20h course

Good to know : you are employed in France ? Activate your Training Account (CPF) and don’t pay for your course 😉 Direct access here

The strong points of this course :

  • small, dynamic, multicultural and friendly group
  • specialized and motivated teachers
  • cultural workshops
  • cultural activities and educational outings every week
  • available teaching staff
  • modern and secure premises

Join Roman, Fatemeh, Lisseth, Joanna, Lucia, Darina, Heather and the others… have fun!

french courses alip paris


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Opening of the borders


After several difficult months due to Covid, France is now progressively reopening its borders.

ALIP is ready to welcome you in the best conditions, in its school close to the Eiffel Tower.

Countries have been classified according to health risks. Here is the map as of June 2, 2021:

french borders covid

We explain the procedures according to your country of origin:

french courses alip

We look forward to seeing you in Paris 😉 Here is our summer program :

french courses alip


Learn more about ALIP

Discover our French courses

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Quality : ALIP joins the Groupement FLE


It is with pride that we inform you that ALIP joins the Groupement FLE, alongside quality French language schools throughout France.


Groupement FLE


What is the Groupement FLE ?

Since 1994, the Groupement FLE has sought to bring together schools of French as a Foreign Language that meet quality criteria in order to make them accessible to international students, businessmen, school centers, international teachers and so on.

Quality, promotion and mutualization are the key words of this association, which has gradually become a partner of institutions such as Forum Campus France, Label Qualité FLE, la FIPF ou l’Institut Français.

Which reference frame?

The repository to which ALIP was able to respond covers 9 domains including :

  • Structured organization
  • Adapted premises
  • Attentive reception of students
  • Qualified teachers
  • Effective pedagogy
  • Loyal sales policy and honest information

More about the code of conduct

We are happy to put the richness of this new partnership at your service.


Learn French in Paris

Come and learn French in the Spring in Paris


Our next French & culture course will take place from 1st to 26th March 2021 at ALIP. In the heart of Paris, we welcome you for a 16h or 20h stay per week, focused on French language and culture.
Find the program here.

Did you know it ? This program is accessible through your Personal Training Account (Compte Personnel de Formation – CPF)! Are you employed in France? Don’t pay for your course, register directly here and finance your course through your training budget.

No more reason to hesitate to learn French with us 😉

For more information about the CPF, please click here.
Contact us for any request.


Live from ALIP

Learn French in Paris


Live from our Language courses at ALIP in January 2021 …


Here is a quick overview of our language training activities at ALIP for the beginning of 2021. We hope to have the pleasure to welcome you for one of our training courses this year! 2021, fill up with projects in French 😉


While waiting to meet you in our language courses, take care of yourself!

French for Fashion


The French and fashion courses for international students at Mod’Art School ended this week.

24 hours of classes for this excellent group of B2/C1 level! Congratulations to all of them and a small preview of their distance learning program.

From the beginning, the course was very dynamic thanks to the students’ involvement. They showed seriousness and motivation by fully participating in the courses.

Because these international students come from all the Mod’Art classes, it was important to start this session with some ice-breaking games to get to know each other. We then studied together a wide range of French fashion, but also the evolution of men’s fashion and Fashion Week.

We also devoted a module to the study of the phenomenon of “repatriates”, a theme that spoke to the students and allowed for discussions among them. Grammatical emphasis on the present subjunctive to express doubt or negation.

We also discussed about Esperanto, which allowed the students to better understand the expressions of doubt and willpower already worked on the previous week.

The performing arts were discussed in order to develop the students’ cultural openness: study of excerpts from Théâtre de Boulevard, reading of interviews with actors, excerpts from radio programs dealing with theater in France. This also allowed the students to be exposed to the expression of time (simultaneity, anteriority and posteriority).

We devoted several courses to the CV, the cover letter and the job interview. In view of the internships they will have to do during their studies at Mod’Art, we spent time improving their CVs and letters. The students were thus able to put into practice the expression of time seen previously to detail their career path.

The final exam allowed students to show their mastery of the cultural and grammatical notions covered in class, by writing a cover letter for a job offer and a paragraph giving advice for integration in their country of origin.

Comment, get informed, join us!



Get ready for university in 2021!


Your objectives, our know-how :


ALIP has been a partner for more than 15 years of several higher education institutes in a wide variety of fields and offers you its experience.

  • Develop your writing techniques, note-taking, reading sheets, oral and written presentations, project reports to succeed in academic courses.
  • Communicate in a professional situation to prepare your speciality: marketing, business, culture, digital, luxury, fashion, gastronomy, human sciences …
  • Participate in projects to enhance team spirit and learn how to design a product.
  • Be open to all the cultural codes of French-speaking students for a successful integration.

Exclusive ALIP program 3 months / 250h: Methodological and technical modules, cultural, linguistic, and professional thematic workshops, conversation classes and small group projects, cultural activities.

More information on our Courses for Higher Studies

See you on February 15, 2021. Open registration:

French course for beginners – ALIP Program


ALIP Language School’s French courses are available in several formats.

Today, focus on the 3-month Intensive French program. Are you looking for an original and dynamic French course in a friendly and motivating atmosphere? This French program is made for you:

  • 20 hours of French classes per week,
  • cultural activities, thematic workshops, fun and intercultural challenges,
  • a demanding follow-up and attentive support.

Beginner in French? A small glimpse of the French course program specially designed for you!




🇺🇸 At ALIP, we take care of our students and professors health. Therefore, to welcome you in the best conditions, we have started a hard fight against the virus !
Find every Friday on Instagram ALIP Paris an episod of : ALIP vs COVID, our small series of advice and information to fight and protect you effectively.

Preparatory courses for Higher Studies

Has your return to university been postponed? Don’t panic, take the opportunity to develop your language skills by integrating the ALIP programs.


For nearly 20 years, ALIP has been training international students for their integration into Grandes Ecoles or Universities. Thanks to its important partnerships, ALIP ensures you an efficient and relevant preparation.
The language courses preparing for higher education are available in English and French. You can even combine the two languages and put all the chances on your side for a better integration.


The preparatory courses are :

  • General language modules to help you integrate into everyday life because you are not just a student!
  • Modules of specialized language courses to best meet your future needs: business, business, English or French for fashion, gastronomy, marketing courses
  • Methodology courses to better integrate and understand the French educational system and succeed in your academic works. 
  • Cultural workshops and trips, conversation classes to develop your sense of interculturality.
  • Project modules for total immersion and to develop your sense of teamwork.
  • Courses focused on active pedagogy and led by expert teachers.
  • Seminars to welcome you and help you with administrative procedures and settling in France.
  • Certified evaluations and rigorous follow-up

Our training courses in French or English are held over 3 months. Each session is independent and you can of course combine them. Benefit from 3, 6 or 9 months of intense preparation in a friendly atmosphere, in the heart of Paris!

Next start: October 2020!


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International Students 2020 – 2021


Back to school 2020


Since August 1st, international students are welcome to France. Depending on your country of origin, the steps to follow are different. Campus France published a flyer with useful information to prepare your arrival in France. You can read it here 

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, France has done everything to let you join your institution safely,  whatever your country of origin. Whether you are a student in long-term or short-term studies, a student in an internship or a researcher, you are welcome to France since August 1st.


More information on Campus France

All information about ALIP French courses here or English courses here

French courses 4 weeks / September 2020


Next session French & Culture 4 weeks: from September 7 to October 2, 2020!



Do you want to learn or perfect your French in a friendly atmosphere? ALIP is waiting for you from September 7th to October 2nd for its next 4-week French course. If you have little time but are looking for an intensive and diversified French course, our program is made for you.

French is a difficult language? Your French teachers are kind, patient and working in small groups will allow you to progress quickly and confidently. The programs of our French courses are adapted to your needs and leave a alrge place for oral communication. The teachers offer you numerous role-plays in everyday life to overcome your fear of speaking French!

A unique opportunity to discover and visit Paris accompanied by our teachers. Let yourself be guided and discuss the richness of the French-speaking culture. Our French courses are based on everything that makes up France’s cultural heritage, and are enriched by your cultures 😉

Find all the information here or contact us to help you in your French learning project!

–> Ready to sign up? It’s here

Fashion class at ALIP

You’re going to fashion school? Do you want to develop your fashion English skills for your future studies?
Join ALIP by enrolling in our 3-month course and benefit from the expertise of our teachers.

Here is the program of the Fashion course module:

General theme:

Discovering the Fashion world and improving written & oral expresion in English. The fashion vocabulary, the material vocabulary, media, advertisements, brand promotions …

Main skills:

Gaining the right tools in business improving vocabulary, oral expression, understanding and delving into fashion themes. Understand the world of Fashion in marketing, development of brands, promotion, retail, textile and design. Improve grammar, written & oral skills.

Language goals: 

Building Vocabulary words, Fashion expressions and Fashion idioms.

Describing appearances and Fashion icons.

Role of fashion in marketing and advertisements.

Pop art influences in the advertising world.

Fashion choices and stereotypes.

Fashion and identity


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Photo Contest / ALIP Summer 2020

Win an access to Planet ALIP!!


To celebrate the opening to all of Planet ALIP – the exclusive e-learning platform ALIP, you can win an access to the Discovery Trail “And why not France?”.

Go on an adventure in French, its regions, its customs and its strengths, overcome clichés and practice your French with humour!

To try your luck, ALIP organizes a big photo contest on the theme “Star (s)”. Give free rein to your imagination and send us your most beautiful creations.

Publication of the 2 winners on August 19th, International Day of Photography.

Rules and conditions of the contest to be found here

Marketing English training


At ALIP, the professors are specialists in their fields. In addition to teaching the language, they train professionals or future High School students in specialized language.

Today, interview with Michelle, our marketing English teacher.

  • ALIP : Michelle, can you tell us what is the objective of this 20h Marketing workshop in English?
  • Michelle : The general theme of my course revolves around Fundamentals and differences of Marketing & advertising. We also discuss Public Relations & communications.


  • ALIP : Which competencies are primarily targeted?
  • Michelle : There is a lot of them! Here is what I think is most important Students will get a basic fondation on the principle of Marketing and Advertising. They will build marketing plans, practice their speech and presentation skills. They will launch their own product and be confident in advertising, marketing and potentially selling the hypothetical product. They will work on their oral and written English skills which will help them for their future studies in Business School or in the professional world.


  • ALIP : Can you tell us some of the main steps in your course?
  • Michelle : Yes, of course. During the first lessons, the question we ask ourselves is: What is a target audience? I bring some ads and we discuss why the ad is appealing. We compare what the ad is selling, promoting, TA, visuals … We also work on the principles of Marketing: prices, place, promotion & product. The students understand these concepts by practicing themselves with mock trials. After that, we analyze the successes and failures of Public Relations Strategies with case studies to work on. The students share their own opinions on subjects. Through the reading of several specialized articles, students will be able to discuss the success and the brand marketing of companies. It is also an opportunity to learn how to describe graphs and figures. Students practice professional presentations with all this vocabulary. Finally, we manage to work on the creation of a product launch: students present their products and marketing strategies.


  • ALIP : How does this course conclude?
  • Michelle : After the final evaluation, their presentation is produced, we review how they have improved as well as any recommendations and advice for the future. The goal for me is to make sure that the students have met their goals and we discuss individually their strengths and weaknesses.


  • ALIP : Thank you very much Michelle for sharing 😉


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