Business English courses


ALIP has specialized in language teaching for more than 15 years. Our English courses are aimed at students or professionals wishing to develop their professional English skills and become an effective player in the business world.

Focus this week on one of the Business modules specially designed for Master and MBA students from one of our partner schools.


Join us ! 

Life in Paris

Season 2 


As part of their Life in Paris Module, the Alipiens discover the richness of French culture!

Every semester, we invite them to discover a fair, an exhibition, a place, but also a live show or many other things! A unique opportunity to travel around Paris and its surroundings, to meet new people, to be surprised and to improve their French language.

This session again was full of surprises for our students in French and English classes!

An overview below and the complete brochure to download here!


Focus English Courses – MARKETING


All year round, ALIP offers training courses in English. Our trainers are specialists in a wide variety of fields such as marketing.

Today we share with you an overview of the course given by our teacher Michelle, an expert in marketing.


Come and join us!

French Exam 2020


ALIP school continues to accompany you in your projects for this new year!


We wish you great success in your projects and for this reason we are at your disposal to inform you as well as possible on your steps and your TEF French exams.

Do not hesitate to contact us:

  • by phone :
  • by email :
  • at school: 25-27 rue Ginoux 75015 Paris


We will be pleased to give you all the information you need to prepare your French exams – TEF.


If you wish to apply for naturalization to obtain French nationality, you must pass the TEF Naturalisation, please consult our page:Exams and Diplomas TEF
If you wish to go to Canada, you must take the TEF Canada, visit our page: Exams and Diplomas TEF

On our Exams and Diplomas TEF page, you will find the TEF exam schedule and all our tips.

ALIP 4-weeks training in French

Why learn French ?

  1. A language spoken all over the world
More than 200 million people speak French on 5 continents
  1. A language to work in
Speaking French opens the doors of companies in France and in French-speaking countries. France, the fifth largest trading power and third largest host country for foreign investment, is an essential economic partner.
  1. The language of culture
French is the language of cuisine, fashion, theatre, dance etc…. French is the language of Victor Hugo, Molière, Léopold Sedar Senghor, Édith Piaf, Jean-Paul Sartre, Marion Cotillard or Zinedine Zidane.
  1. A language for traveling
France is the most visited country in the world (70 million visitors per year)!
  1. A language to study in French Grandes Ecoles and universities.
Speaking French allows you to study in France at renowned universities or in the leading business and engineering schools, the best higher education institutions in Europe and around the world.

Choose ALIP !

A school in the heart of Paris, ideal for discovering France!

ALIP is located close to the Eiffel Tower, in the heart of a typically Parisian district : Museums, shops, cinemas, a range of activities at your fingertips. In modern and accessible premises, ALIP has classrooms of various sizes. A relaxation and catering area offers students the opportunity to meet and share drinks and meals between classes.

A school labeled Qualité FLE, a guarantee of quality.

In 2016, ALIP School obtained the Label Qualité FLE that certifies linguistic and services of high quality. The French as a Foreign Language Quality label (Label Qualité français langue étrangère), issued by the Ministry of National Education, of and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, certifies that ALIP School offers linguistic trainings and services offering quality guarantees.

A communicative pedagogy adapted to the needs of the students.

Thanks to the numerous partnerships and a qualified teachers team, ALIP organizes:

-Progress designed to effectively improve French language skills
-Unique linguistic and cultural contents, adapted to students’ objectives
-Many cultural activities inside and outside the school to be open to cultural diversity respectful of all.
-A completely new and tailor-made online learning platform.


Thanks to its modules in small groups, its original project classes, its varied thematic workshops and its numerous cultural activities, ALIP guarantees a successful immersion!


SPECIAL OFFER  ! for any registration before the end of December 2019, the 20-hour course is at the same price as the 16-hour course!


Register here !


Informations : 


ALIP’s courses 2019


Our French course programs have been reworked for 2 months by the ALIP pedagogical team.

In order to take ever more into account the expectations and profiles of our students, we have reviewed everything! The levels of the training programs have been refined for greater efficiency and relevance. Clear and coherent modules allow a better progression of our students. More cultural content will be offered from the most beginner levels, more intensive course hours and always thematic workshops designed mainly for their needs: phonetics, culture, linguistic reinforcement, preparation for the DELF A1 level… For the elementary levels, the conversation course helps to consolidate their first learning.

This year we have also strengthened the preparatory courses for higher education for those preparing to enter a higher education institution or university. 2 separate modules for 3 levels of competence in this field! These modules aim to enrich the “university” culture and develop intercultural skills, improve written and oral techniques, reuse the general language by training on specific cases. Students also benefit from practical and methodological advice, view and analyse models and examples and participate in simulations.

Our advanced students also participate in specific thematic workshops according to their profiles: culture, business news, gastronomy, fashion, marketing, etc…
The project module always allows them to put their knowledge into practice in a group work in small groups. The achievements of these projects always surprise us!

For all, ALIP school perpetuates its 2 original activities: the inter-class challenge for an unparalleled cohesion and conviviality, and the life in Paris module which opens students to all aspects of Parisian life.

And as usual, our team will go to great lengths to celebrate the many events of the year with all the students!
We look forward to starting this new winter session.

Join us!

French for Business

During their professional French course, ALIP French students developed their product from A to Z. Marketing, price, communication, visual… They have studied everything with their French teacher and offer you their report to download here!



Future business school students, international business students? Join us now!

NEW !!! French Intensive Training in September !


ALIP school offers a new intensive French course at the beginning of the school year!


  • You are a foreign student entering soon in a High school or a university in France?

  • Do you love French culture and language and want to meet students from all over the world?

  • You have little time and are looking for a short but effective training?

  • Are you preparing to take a French exam?


Then this training is for you!



25 hours per week of French courses and cultural activities in the heart of Paris !


Download the registration form and return it to

Planète ALIP

In October 2017, ALIP launched its first e-learning platform with unique and unprecedented content. All modules have been created to meet the needs of our Alipians.

A motivated and demanding team has given birth to a first course of learning French in a communicative and cultural perspective.

Many authentic documents, activity sheets, unique and fun video resources, everything has been designed so that the Alipien extends his experience of immersion in France.

The first students have just completed their course, and we are very proud of their feedback!

Exercises deemed “fairly easy but not too”, “useful” and “in relation to their studies at ALIP and their daily life”. They say that they “appreciate the ALIP spirit and the communication with Mr ALIP”! (It must be said that he is very nice ).

The “culture minutes” are really liked.


So what next?


The following is still a lot of beautiful projects!

  • Creation of the little brother of course 1! Surprise ….

  • Improvement of certain activities for a better enhancement of our educational approach.

  • Animation forums for more interaction: attention, lots of challenges ahead !!

  • Evaluation module


Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on this project:! Dear future students, we look forward to introducing you Mr ALIP!

Gastronomy ! French pastry at ALIP

Event !


ALIP is very proud to welcome Ms. Yani YU, a student at Lenôtre, on Friday, March 9, 2018.


She had the chance to meet and assist dozens of great titled chefs: Etienne Leroy (Pastry World Champion 2017), Pascal Brunstein (Meilleur Ouvrier de France), Guy Krenzer (Double Meilleur Ouvrier de France and Director of the creation Lenôtre) and many others.

She will talk to us about the chef’s job and will make an exclusive dessert! We will also taste creations of Pastry Chef Thierry Balmas, Meilleur Ouvrier de France

Pastry 2017.


Stay connected on our social networks, we will make you live this unforgettable moment in pictures!


Discovery of the secrets of the beer

The students of the school ALIP discovered the trade secrets of the beer. They were then able to test original signed beers “Frog”.

ALIP, a “LABEL Qualité FLE” school


What is Label Qualité FLE?

It is an official label issued by the French Ministries of Foreign Affairs, National Education and Culture. This label identifies and supports language centers whose quality and service offerings are guaranteed. ALIP School is now part of the catalog of Label Qualité FLE centers.


Why choose a certified language center?

ALIP School has been hosting international students for over 10 years, paying great attention to the quality of its training, its management and its infrastructures. Thanks to its quality assessment process, the Label Qualité FLE guarantees quality services and gives students confidence.


For all ALIP students, current and future, it is the insurance of :

Training to meet real needs

– Highly qualified and available staff

– A constant commitment to improving quality

– A safe and user-friendly study environment


Why choose ALIP, a school Label Qualité FLE?

The whole ALIP school team is committed to ensure the greatest satisfaction of its students and make their stay in Paris an exceptional moment.

A labelled school, a school in the heart of Paris, prestigious partners and a team dedicated to the advancement of students are the assets of ALIP School.


French version  / Version française


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